
How to Come up with an Invention for School

Can you sell an idea to a company without a patent?
Yes, but most companies won't buy an idea or invention that doesn't have at least some form of legal protection. If you're selling an idea for an invention, two simpler ways to protect your intellectual property include:
  • Having the company sign a nondisclosure agreement, which stops it from using your idea without your approval
  • Filing a patent application, which at least establishes that you had the idea first

Unfortunately, many companies won't sign nondisclosure agreements, so going through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is still your best bet.

What is a poor man's patent?
A poor man's patent involves mailing a description of your invention to yourself to establish when you had the idea. Unfortunately, this is an invalid method of proving ownership because the paper trail is weak and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office now works on a first-inventor-to-file system. This means that the first person to file a patent for an invention is legally its inventor, even if someone else can prove they had the idea first.
How much does it cost to patent an idea?
Patenting a simple idea usually costs $5,000 - $7,000, but complicated inventions cost up to tens of thousands of dollars. These costs primarily come from two different sources:
  • Patent fees you pay to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office — usually a few hundred dollars
  • Legal fees you pay a patent lawyer for their help researching and preparing your patent application — usually $200 - $500 per hour

There are also ongoing costs for revising, maintaining and enforcing your patent that vary from case to case.

What to do if you have an idea for an invention?
If you have an idea for an invention, contact a patent and invention service company. Patent attorneys help:
  1. Document your work. You should keep extensive notes as you work on your design and, if possible, have a trusted witness sign off on them. A patent service can tell you whether you have enough documentation.
  2. Do a preliminary patent search. Even if you had your idea out of the blue, you still need to make sure no one else has patented or submitted designs for something similar.
  3. Finalize your design. You can't change your patent once it's filed, so it's important to iron out your invention now. Some patent services will even help you build a working prototype.
  4. File a patent application. Patent lawyers help clients fill out and submit their applications so that they have the highest possible chance of success.
Can you sell an idea for an invention?
Yes, but you need to protect your intellectual property if you want to make any money off it. Otherwise, anyone that hears the idea can steal it, and even honest buyers don't want to invest in an idea that competitors might steal from them. Patents are the best way for inventors to claim ownership of their ideas.

Once you have your idea patented, you can either sell your rights to the patent or license its use for profit.

How do you invent something?
All inventors work differently, but many share similar steps in their processes:
  1. Pay attention to the world around you.
  2. Identify a need.
  3. Do market research.
  4. Develop a solution.
  5. Patent it.
  6. Sell your invention.

Invention and patent service companies help with the latter half of this process, but the initial idea is up to you.

How do I make a prototype of my idea?
It depends on what your idea is. Fabricators, 3D printers, machine shops and printers can all help bring your idea to life, but you need to make sure your intellectual property is secure before you go showing it to strangers.

Many invention and patent service companies help with this stage, as well. It's often worth building a prototype to be sure your invention functions properly before you submit your patent application.

What inventions can be patented?
The government separates patentable subject matter into four categories— processes, machines, manufactures and compositions of matter. These categories are incredibly broad by design. Functional examples of patented inventions include:
  • New plant varieties
  • New chemical formulas and compositions
  • Tools
  • Computer software
  • Gadgets
  • Business methods
How much does it cost to bring a new product to market?
Most inventors can't afford the thousands, if not millions, of dollars it costs to bring their own products to market. However, once you have a patent, you can get it to market by shopping around for investors, selling your patent or licensing its use to manufacturers.

The cost of bringing a product to market depends on:

  • What the product is
  • How much you spend on design and development
  • How much you spend on prototypes
  • How much it costs to manufacture
  • Whether you need any certifications
  • How large you want your initial run to be
Can I get a patent for free?
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office refers inventors who can't afford their own patent lawyers to two programs that perform free patent application preparation, filing and prosecution services:
  • The Patent Pro Bono Program matches applicants with volunteer patent lawyers.
  • The Law School Clinic Certification Program provides inventors with services from law students working under the supervision of a registered patent practitioner.

Inventors submitting their own applications can also petition to have their fees waived.

Are patents worth it?
A patent is worth as much as the idea it protects. If your invention has the potential to make lots of money, a patent is absolutely worth it. However, if your idea has limited commercial viability, the money you spend getting a patent might go to waste.

How to Come up with an Invention for School


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